
I’ve always loved words (almost as much as I love wine, travel, and my bear collection!!), and I’ve always found writing a great source of joy, solace, catharsis, creative expression, and connection. I’ve been writing all my life – from short stories as a child, to horribly dark, angst-ridden poetry as a teenager, to highfalutin literary criticism during my English studies at university, to the completion of my first novel and my first children’s book more recently. The chances are that these things will never result in any kind of financial reward, but I think if anyone writes with pound signs in their head as their fingers tap furiously away on their keyboard, then they are either completely deluded and heading for probable disappointment, or they’re J.K. Rowling. I write for the same reason that other writers write – because it feeds my spirit and makes me feel alive, even on the days when it makes me want to tear my hair out.

So, whilst I cry into my oversized coffee mug, mourning the fact that I may never make it into the Sunday Times bestseller list, an idea occurs to me. I can start writing pieces about those things I am most passionate about – eating good food, drinking good wine, you get the idea – and use them as both a platform to keep my skills sharp, my brain engaged, and my spirit full, and also as a showcase for when, oh, I don’t know, say Decanter magazine or the Guardian come a-calling looking for a new freelance writer, or the literary world hunts me down on their search for the next big thing! After all, you never know when J.K. Rowling might bump into your post about Venice the next time she’s looking for inspiration for her next holiday, right?!

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy reading about the things I love as much as I enjoy writing about them.

Liz x